A pasta dinner/social honoring JFK 50 Mile “Legends” (Those race veterans with 10-or-more official finishes, former winners, age-group and geographic record holders) and inducting the newest “Legends” will be held on Friday evening, November 21, 2025.
The event is open to ALL 50 Mile participants and their guests.

LOCATION: Hotel 620
1718 Underpass Way, Hagerstown, MD 21740
*located 200 meters from the Race Headquarters.

TIME: 6:15-7:45 p.m.

COST: $25.00 per person
(checks made out to Cumberland Valley Athletic Club and mailed to CVAC, 1012 Valleybrook Drive, Hagerstown, MD 21742-3464)

JFK 50 Mile “Legends” are admitted free of charge, but must RSVP no later than November 14, 2025, by emailing mspinnler@cvac-md.us

Tickets will not be mailed out. An RSVP list will be at the door.